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Speed and weed aren’t helping ICBC

Speed and weed aren’t helping ICBC

Readers call for electronic enforcement, car insurance competition

Writer questions Geopark process

In a democracy, majority rules, not 10 per cent of the people opposed
Killing bears, one way or another

Killing bears, one way or another

B.C. hunters speak out about grizzly hunt, wildlife management

Thank you from Williams Lake, with plenty of love

Love is the only rational answer to the problem of human existence

Anyone will confess to anything under torture

So why would one give any credence to a confession obtained under “torture”
Becoming a Geopark would invite the world to visit

Becoming a Geopark would invite the world to visit

The Geopark proposal is a faster process than seeking World Heritage status

B.C. Liberals ignored crucial fire-mitigation recommendation

The recommendation after the 2003 B.C. wildfires was mitigation to clean the fuel from under trees

LNG would not have been good for B.C.

Nothing to me symbolized the petro-thuggishness than the proposed Lelu Island gas plant

Where is money, help for our soldiers?

Khadr is the second man to have received $10 million for so-called torture

Driverless vehicles can’t come soon enough

I can hardly wait for the autonomous vehicles to take over the roads