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Editor, The Times:

Ensuring council’s alignment with your values
Candidate for council Travis Borneman

Editor, The Times:

My name is Travis Borneman and I am running for council because I want to be a part of the vision and implementation involved in growing Clearwater.

To be one of the decision makers who help develop the future for our community, to be YOUR voice on council, ensuring its alignment with your values and support the vision that you have for the future of your family, your business and yourself.

With a lifetime of service, my actions speak as loud as my words in the knowledge that unless we shape our lives our circumstances will shape it for us.

A leader, mentor, teacher, coach and positive role model, I have helped myself, my family and my community overcome many obstacles that threatened to impede our positive growth, by breaking down any large task into a series of small prioritized objectives together we can start taking ACTION.

As a dedicated, faithful, hard working father I’m proud to represent the people who work, live and do their very best to raise their families and to stand for those whose commitments don’t waver with the moods of the moment.

I give freely without political connections or financial motivations, my dedication comes purely from the heart and with a un-wavering commitment to truly making our world a better place for my family and yours, evolving from making a living to making a difference.

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