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Editor, The Times:

Experience and consistency are critical
Council candidate Barry Banford

Editor, The Times:

I‘ve lived and worked in our community since 1998 and had the privilege to serve on your council for the last seven years.

Serving on council has given me a strong understanding of how local government works and I feel experience, consistency and continuity are critical in moving our community forward in the future.

Teaching school, in the past, gave me a clear appreciation of the value of our youth and the important role teachers play in a child’s life.

I then worked 32 years for the Ministry of Forests and know the difference between acts, regulations, policy and procedures. In addition, I have a strong working knowledge of forestry and fire behavior.

My agenda is only wanting what’s best for ALL members of our community from youth to seniors. I promise to bring your issues to council because I’m here to represent you.

I read everything that comes before council and always evaluate the risks and look for solutions which benefit all members of our community. We must support and retain our existing businesses and work to bring new business to Clearwater to diversify our tax base while striving for strong financial responsibility.

I will always carefully consider how your money is spent.

We must all work together to make our community thrive and be a great place to live, work and play.

I’m asking for your support, so I can have the privilege to serve you on council for the next four years.

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