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Volleyball season begins at CSS

The senior boys volleyball team at Clearwater Secondary School got off to a slow start during their first game of the season last Tuesday
Clearwater Secondary School senior boys player Nielsen Graham (#11) bunts the ball over the net as Donald Ritchie looks on. The boys were playing Chase in their first volleyball match of the season on Tuesday

The senior boys volleyball team at Clearwater Secondary School got off to a slow start during their first game of the season last Tuesday. Playing host to Chase, the local squad lost 3 - 2. The final set was 15-13.

Wednesday afternoon the CSS soccer team tied with Barriere (0 - 0). Donald Ritchie made an amazing save off a penalty shot to maintain the tie. They host St. Ann’s, the number one team in the zone, on Tuesday, Oct. 11. The game will begin at 4:00.

Junior boys will host their volleyball league night on Wednesday, Nov. 2. They will be going to a tournament at Thompson Rivers University on Oct. 21/22.


Senior Girls will host their volleyball league night on Nov. 3. They went to the TRU tournament the weekend before last and gained valuable experience against some tough opponents.



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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