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SLIDESHOW: Inaugural meeting of Clearwater's town council

Clearwater's new town council gets sworn in by Judge Chris Cleaveley during inaugural meeting on Dec. 2
Piper Paul Petchnick leads the group into the council chambers for the inaugural meeting of District of Clearwater's new town council on Tuesday evening

Judge Chris Cleaveley does the swearing in of District of Clearwater's new town council: mayor John Harwood and councillors Barry Banford, Merlin Blackwell, Gord Heisterman, Ken Kjenstad and Shelley Sim. Newly elected councillor Dennis Greffard could not attend. Simpcw First Nation Elder Dan Saul gave the blessing while Rev. Lloyd Strickland gave the invocation. Emily Hewlett sang the national anthem. RCMP Cst. Tyson Bruns and members of the Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department provided the escort. M.C. was Dan Daase.