Editor, the Times:
Re: “Meeting looks at Geopark proposal for North Thompson,” Aug. 17 issue.
I would like to stress the fact that I am neither for nor against the Geopark. However, I am very much against the way this vote is being shoved down our throats.
In May, 2017, this bylaw for Geopark approval could have been voted on by all of the property owners in the North Thompson Valley with an addendum page attached to the provincial election ballot.
In my opinion, the reason it wasn’t is because the probability of it passing was far less than Plan B, the alternative approval process, in which the proposed new service will go ahead unless l0 per cent or more of the eligible voters submit electoral response forms saying they oppose the service.
When talking with the TNRD brass in Kamloops, I was informed that, with Elections BC, this is legal. If in fact this is true, I think there needs to be a class action lawsuit to change that.
In my 12 years of taking “Legally Speaking” courses, I find that not only unconstitutional but also totally undemocratic. In a democracy, majority rules, not 10 per cent of the people opposed.
This is not a federal or provincial bylaw. This is a regional and municipal bylaw that should be treated no differently than a strata bylaw, which is voted on only by the landowners who pay the taxes to sustain a bylaw.
The Times article goes on to state, “A group of individuals is seeking World Heritage status for Wells Gray Park and its volcanoes. However, if extended outside the Park, that would severely restrict resource activities such as mining and forestry. A Geopark is a more flexible destination that would allow branding and marketing to bring visitors and economic growth. There would be no impact on land use or resource operations such as logging or mining.”
In closing, I have some questions for the TNRD, who have stated that the number of electoral responses needed to stop the Geopark service is 657.
Where did that number come from?
In May, our TNRD rep stated that the voting forms for the Geopark bylaw would be mailed to all constituents. Earlier this month when I inquired about the mail-out, I was informed that it was voted down by the TNRD.
Instead, the information and form would be posted on Facebook and in the Times paper. Question, TNRD: Do all of your constituents subscribe to the Times or partake in the fake news of Facebook?
Jim Lamberton
The Rambling Man
Blackpool, B.C.