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Writer gives thanks for fair editorial

You gave both sides of politics an equal mention, thank you

Editor, The Times:

It was very nice to read your editorial from last week "Please take the time to vote during the provincial election on Tuesday" in the May 9 issue.

You gave both sides of politics an equal mention, thank you. It seems as if the main stream media (MSM) for the last few years are so one-sided that they could tip a battleship. There are many stories that the people of B.C. should be hearing from them but are not told.

Also, and the icing on the cake, with a big cherry on the top, was your mention of the Swiss style of governing. We in B.C. have a voice once every four years and between elections.

With the whip system we have a four-year dictator, regardless of party in power.

Bill VanderZalm and our own Bud Smith drafted up the recall referendum in order to give us a voice. Harcourt's NDP lawyers spent four long years changing this so it is as it is today unworkable for the people to use.

Anyhow, again, thanks for the good editorial.

Wayne Russell


Blackpool, B.C.