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Trump to the rescue

No matter if he is an egomaniac, has a foul mouth, and is very, very crude

Editor, The Times:

So why the sudden spasm of political excitement among our neighbours to the south?

There's a reason.

After having long ago given up on their deadlocked politicians, they have allowed themselves to be lulled into complacency.

After all, there are more exciting things to consider than who runs the country.

In despair they have tossed in the towel and turned to watching reruns of Duck Dynasty to fill the mental and political vacuum.

Ahhh ... but wait! All is not lost.


Over the hill comes a man on a charging white stallion.

Is it the Lone Ranger? Is it Roy Rogers? No, ... it's even better than that.

It's Donald Trump. He has come to rescue them from all their political financial and international woes.

No matter if he is an egomaniac, has a foul mouth, and is very, very crude.

No matter.

He has patted them on the head and told them to go back to sleep. He will fix it all.

Bob Mumford


Clearwater, B.C.