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Public funded vs. private funded enterprise

It is hardly surprising that the teachers of B.C. have been unable to come to a negotiated settlement with the present government

Editor, The Times:

It is hardly surprising that the teachers of B.C. have been unable to come to a negotiated settlement with the present government, despite the teacher’s willingness to compromise. This government is philosophically opposed to all public funded enterprise, including education. The government and its Fraser Institute friends have been conducting a concerted campaign to undermine public health and education. Tactics like an annual unfair comparison of public and private institutions, consistent underfunding and tearing up legal contracts, for which the courts found them guilty, are some of their tactics. There can be no bargaining in good faith under this government.

No sir folks, this is a government of fat cats and fat cat want-to-be’s and the sooner they are turfed out, the sooner we can repair the economic and social damage that these pseudo liberals have caused.

Wes Morden


Blackpool, B.C.