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Ode to a balanced economy

A mixed economy of private and public enterprise has proven itself to be our best option over the last 50 years

Editor, The Times:

There is a view among some citizens that anything run by government is inherently bad or ineffective.  In fact this view is being nurtured and encouraged by both the current provincial and federal governments, partly because they don’t support the concept of public ownership.

In fact a mixed economy of private and public enterprise has proven itself to be our best option over the last 50 years.  Some things are best left to private enterprise and others, like parts of the service industry, are best handled in the public domain.  Services like health care, education, energy, water and sewer facilities are cheaper and more effective when publicly managed.  Not that I am claiming perfection in either sector, private or public, but the areas that I have previously mentioned are more accessible and affordable in the public domain.

Some argue that our public service does not produce anything, a short-sighted view to be sure.  A healthy, well-educated population is essential to a thriving economy, private or public.

The thrust of the newly minted Bill 22 is aimed directly at the public sector and I contend is a major step towards the privatization of the entire public sector.

Have your wallets handy - the cost of your essential services will balloon if this government is re-elected.

Wes Morden


Blackpool, B.C.