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No change in Liberal leadership

Anyone who thinks that the election of the new leader Christy Clark as premier will change the Liberal agenda is truly dreaming

Editor, The Times:

Anyone who thinks that the election of the new leader Christy Clark as premier will change the Liberal agenda is truly dreaming.

The revelation of a Liberal plan to create a tax and a customs free zone in B.C. similar to the contradora belt in northern Mexico, is proof positive that the Liberals are determined to reward their corporate friends and shift an ever increasing tax burden to individual taxpayers like you and me.  This tax free zone has been tried in the U.S., Mexico and other countries and determined to be failures in the overall health of the economy. They typically have low wages, plus poor working conditions and environmental standards. They benefit multinational corporations by reducing their costs and fattening their already obscene profits.

Yes folks, the B.C. Liberal agenda will be the same under Christy Clark as it was under Gordon Campbell and Clark's early actions and pronouncements do nothing to dispel this assertion.

Wes Morden

Blackpool, B.C.