Editor, The Times:
Thanks to the generosity of the members of the Royal Purple here in Clearwater, Sunny Deugau will be going to the Easter Seal Camp in Winfield, again this year. This is the second year that the Royal Purple has assisted Sunny.
He is especially happy because his best friend, Parker Thomas is also going, with the help of the Clearwater Elks Club.
This is the third year community groups, such as the Royal Purple, have helped cover the cost of sending the boys to Camp Winfield.
There they will experience rock climbing, swimming and canoeing along with many other activities geared to their special needs.
Camp Winfield is one of three Easter Seal Camps in BC, operated by the British Columbia Lion’s Society for Children with Disabilities. The camp has an outdoor theatre, pool and a water-slide. They also have a beach available for water activities. Dedicated counselors and nursing staff provide round the clock care and attention, while fostering both teamwork and self reliance.
The boys return home with fond memories, new friends and greater confidence in their own abilities.
The smile on Sunny’s face says it all.
Mary Lou Deugau
Clearwater, B.C.