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Climate change deniers need to rethink

Temperatures have risen all over the globe. The Northwest and Northeast passages are open at certain times of the year.

Editor, The Times:

Let's see here.

Temperatures have risen all over the globe. The Northwest and Northeast passages are open at certain times of the year. Glaciers are disappearing at a rapid rate. One can visibly see all of this. Not to mention the terrible pollution in places like Beijing.

However, despite the fact that 97 per cent of climate scientists agree there is global warming, there is still a large body of climate change deniers afoot.

One of the most strident of these is the National Post.

Just recently I read a full page article by Conrad Black in which he answered an attack by Tabatha Southey, who accused Black of being a climate change denier.

After the end of the Cold War where as John le Carre said, “the right side lost but the wrong side won,” - the left, having lost, is now licking its wounds and slithering off into the environmental movement.

Now, with things like climate change these 'dastardly Marxists' plan to bring glorious capitalism to its knees (I rather thought that had been done in part in 2007 – 2008 or even the great corporate scandals Enron etc. Before that?

But no, this climate change myth is out to destroy capitalism triumphant. No doubt about that according to Conrad Black. He also went on to deny that he was a climate change denier.

On the flip side was some almost unintelligible gibberish by Rex Murphy again attacking anyone who dared to mention global warming.

In it Murphy invoked the names of Copernicus and Brake. Now most people I think know something about Copernicus famous polish astronomer but Brake maybe not so much.

Tycho Brake – Danish – B 1546,  D 1601 astronomer was reputed to have an ego as big as Conrad Black's. However, he put it to good use building a large observatory at Orianberg and surrounding himself with scholars.

It's Brake 's observations that let us know how bad conditions were, how cold and rough the seas that destroyed one-third to one-half of Spanish Armada – 1588 in its attempt to escape around the top end of the British Isles.

In reading Brake's observations of that time one would indeed believe that there is global warming. The weather was far worse – much colder than it is now.

So by mentioning Brake one might say 'fall like a can of worms going fishing Murphy has destroyed his own argument!

Both Black and Murphy are going to have to come up with something better than that.

Dennis Peacock

Clearwater, B.C.