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Climate change denial is big industry

There is a billion dollar climate charge denial industry in the United States. And it has its tentacles well fastened in Canada

Editor, The Times:

Thirty-three and a third per cent of Canadians doubt the fact of climate change.

Yes, and the Titanic, its bow already under the water with the sea spilling over the inadequate bulkheads, is not sinking.

This is the most depressing statistic since I learned that 30 per cent of Americans believe the Earth is only 6,500 year’s old. In other words, as my late waggish friend used to say, “Adam and Eve rode a dinosaur to church on Sunday.”

Shows what propaganda and belief as opposed to checking the facts can accomplish.

The report on climate change doubt was part of a CBC news report that went on to point out that, aided by the Internet, there is a billion dollar climate charge denial industry in the United States.

And it has its tentacles well fastened in Canada.

It’s worth mentioning that a short while back the Koch brothers gave the Fraser Institute some $500,000 to fund climate change denial.

With Macdonald-Laurier peddling the propaganda that oil refineries shouldn’t be built here in Canada – wages too high and environmental rules too onerous! Instead it is better to build pipelines over hazardous ground, transport raw bitumen on supertankers through hazardous waters to be refined in overworked, horribly polluted China.

To complete the axis of neo-con nonsense, Frontier Institute appears to believe that Canada’s solution is devolve – perhaps like Renaissance Italy’s separate city states, powerful enough in themselves, but completely vulnerable to outside powers like Spain and France.

Wouldn’t a devolved Canada be that much more vulnerable to corporate influence?

This is getting a little off track but one has to realize that these independent think tanks — Fraser, MacDonald-Laurier and Frontier are little more than corporate-funded shills.

And it really shows with climate change denial.

Dennis Peacock


Clearwater, B.C.