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Canada doesn’t pay its fair share

Canada is like the guy with a massive house, a BMW in the garage, and claims poverty

Editor, The Times:

There’s a lot in the news of late of wealthy Canadians avoiding their fair share of taxes by using offshore accounts.

Ordinary Canadians are rightfully outraged but they need to know that our own federal government has being doing the same for years.

Official Development Assistance is the money that countries contribute to help the world’s poorest get at least some kind of help. It’s like the taxes we pay to assist the poor, disabled and sick in our own communities, but ODA recognises that those needs don’t end at borders.

But for years now Canada has been cheating on its taxes. Despite being one of the wealthiest countries in the world, Canada contributes far less than most other developed nations. Despite being close to the top economically, our contributions are second from the bottom.

Canada is like the guy with a massive house, a BMW in the garage, and a condo in Mexico, and claims poverty on his tax forms while his less well-off neighbours pay their fair share.

No wonder the federal government seems reluctant to pursue the rich dodging taxes - when it comes to ODA, Canada too is a deadbeat.

Tracy Koebel,

Victoria, B.C.