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Blue River ski race day was the work of many

This year’s event was a fund raiser for cancer in memory of Andy Aufschnaiter

Editor, The Times:

It is a highlight of the skiing season for children to have the opportunity to participate in the Blue River ski races. This has been a long time coordinated effort between School District #73 and Mile Wiegele Ski Resort.

Traditionally the resort has groomed the race venue and provided the lunch. The organization of the races, the registration of the children, and the collection of the permission slips, booking the bus and supervising the 65 + children that attend the races falls to the teachers.

This is all voluntary work. A huge thank you goes to Terra Carter for her continued coordination and organization of the Raft River students. This includes making sure all race forms are filled out correctly, the racers are fitted with proper equipment and all have their permission slips signed; a time consuming task when regular teaching duties continue

A huge thank you goes to Kendra Staruiala, the teacher at Blue River, for her work to make this day a great one for the children.

It was also her idea to make this year’s event a fund raiser for cancer in memory of Andy Aufschnaiter, who for many years coordinated the venue with the teacher. Over $1,800 was raised.

Thank you to the resort for supporting this fine event. Thank you teachers and other volunteers, for your continued hard work in providing a model for healthy living, cooperation and social awareness.

Sandra Holmes


Clearwater, B.C.