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B.C. taxpayers on hook for financial mess

If the province was a private business, it would have been in bankruptcy court long ago

Editor, The Times:

The finances of the province are a mess.

Regardless of which party or parties take over, there is no easy solution.

If the province was a private business, it would have been in bankruptcy court long ago.

As always, in the end it will be the taxpayer who will be set upon to pay the bills.

The B.C. Liberal Party has raided the coffers of ICBC and BC Hydro to the point that these two Crown corporations will have no option but to increase the cost of their services.

So, be prepared to pay higher insurance premium on your vehicle — and you might want to start reducing your electricity usage because those costs will be rising.

As always, it’s the taxpayer that gets it in the wallet.

We are all stockholders, but unlike in the real world, we are unable to take anyone to court for fiscal mismanagement that borders on corruption.

It is sad because there are some sleight-of-hand artists who deserve to spend some time in the crowbar hotel.

With the calibre of politicians we have today, it will be a cold day in hell before this province is ever out of debt.

The words “promises” and “lies” are interchangeable.

B. E. Borneman

Chase, B.C.