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B.C. government destroying confidence

To suggest that the BCTF and its member teachers are damaging the kids is the equivalent of blaming the moon for human lunacy

Editor, The Times:

From some of the articles directed at the BCTF and teachers in general I realize that it is time for more reality and less spin regarding this issue.

A teacher's time commitment for planning, instructing (class time), organizing and marking of the students work extends beyond a 40 hours a week and at certain times of year closer to 60 hours per week with no overtime pay. For the vast majority of teachers who choose to volunteer their time to coach teams, sponsor clubs and other student activities there is no monetary reward, straight time or overtime. This is a time commitment taken from their personal lives and that of their families on top of the curricular demands.

To suggest that the BCTF and its member teachers are damaging the kids by their actions is the equivalent of blaming the moon for human lunacy  - ludicrous in the extreme. However, government spin-doctors costing you millions in tax dollars are committed to destroying the public confidence in the public education system and it seems that they are being overly effective.  As a recent European dictator stated, tell a lie often enough and people will believe it.

Wes Morden

Blackpool, B.C.