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April 12, 2020
1950-2020 ~ David went to be with his Lord Jesus on Sunday, April 12, aged 69 - faithful to the end.
He was described by those who knew him as:
Kind, caring, humble, generous, considerate, soft hearted, organized, gentle, methodical, always the first to offer help, hard working, unassuming, soft spoken, careful; a man who walked his faith quietly and humbly, had a big heart toward others; a man who never said a bad word about anyone, admired by many. Dave loved well. He was quick to support others practically and prayerfully.
He also was quietly stubborn, could not be pushed into actions he did not agree with, avoided conflict and disliked confrontation to the extent that he often talked around an issue rather than come across too strongly. He could be very serious but had a twinkle in his eyes and a wacky dry sense of humor that was always at the ready. He considered his well-used and holey Stansfield's rough-wool bush shirt and his 40-year-old well-worn earflap MEC toque as marks of honor.
Dave was born and raised in Revelstoke. He often spoke in later years of the many wonderful memories of people and good times there. One notable experience was spending 2 summers as park warden living alone on the top of Mount Revelstoke, where he hiked miles each day through some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.
Following graduation from UBC in 1973, Dave began working for Weyerhaeuser as a forester in Kamloops. After working for a couple of years, he left to go to Bible School, met Yvonne Penner there and managed to convince her to marry him.
Dave and Yvonne and baby Charis arrived in Clearwater in 1979 for Dave to work again for Weyerhaeuser. Together they built their life and soon added Jeremy, then Christopher, to the family. In 1991, Dave transitioned his career to having an independent forestry consultant company (David Meehan Forestry Consulting). In 2002, at the age of 52, he wrapped up the professional forestry part of DMFC in order to spend full time studying his bible and doing what came along to help people in practical ways. He was so thankful for that time as he had those three years to spend full time with Yvonne before she passed away in 2005.
Later Dave began to work organizing and rolling out safety programs for local loggers - relationships he valued greatly. His experience was that he never had to look for a job, God always brought him enough work to meet the needs of the family.
He married a second time, in 2007, to Donna Parker and together they continued in Clearwater. Starting in 2007 and in the 13 years since, nine grandchildren were added to the family - all cherished.
He served the people of Clearwater in many ways. He was a leader within the Living Streams Church group and worked in the Clearwater Healing Rooms. For several years he served on the Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation Board, then on the Evergreen Acres Senior Citizens Home Society Board. He also played an instrumental role in the creation of the first tennis courts in town during the late 80s.
He was predeceased by his wife Yvonne, his mother Rowena and his father Leslie (Gus) Meehan.
He is survived by his wife Donna, adult children Charis & Ash (Eden and Judah) Rempel; Jeremy & Lisa (Ria, Lucy and Stefan) Meehan; Christopher & Kelly (Jack, Sarah, Brian and Emma) Meehan; Sister Margaret (Bob) Plewes, and a valued extended family.
A life well lived; a man both respected and loved.
A memorial service will be held at a later date.
Condolences may be expressed to the family from
 Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services

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