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Exquisite surroundings

Exquisite surroundings

Photo gives a winter view of Lake Eleanor in Blue River

RCMP Report: Motor madness

There were a total of 35 motor vehicle collisions in the month of November between Blue River and Little Fort

TNRD promotes cell service for Upper Clearwater

TNRD wants cellphone service and broadband extended to Upper Clearwater, but that should include Greer Subdivision
B.C. boomer care study begins

B.C. boomer care study begins

Can the B.C. health care system withstand the retirement of baby boom generation?

TNRD Director’s Corner: Rec grant submitted for Blackpool Park

An opportunity has arisen to apply for a grant of up to $400,000 in funding for development of a community park at Blackpool Hall

Clearwater covered 24-hours

Clearwater has 24-hour ambulance coverage with two members at all times

Canfor-Vavenby starts second shift

Canfor has hired our sawmill second shift employees and they are in training this week with production starting next week (Dec. 5)
Outreach programs combine forces

Outreach programs combine forces

A new community outreach program combines the school’s existing youth outreach program with an expanded Living Well program

First Nations salaries to be scrutinized

New legislation will ensure First Nations leaders disclose their salaries for all to see

ICBC helps launch CounterAttack campaign

The province, police and ICBC recently launched the December impaired driving CounterAttack campaign