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Food Bank delivers 109 Xmas hampers

Food Bank delivers 109 Xmas hampers

A total of 115 boys and 117 girls received Christmas gifts through the program
Penny drive helps food bank

Penny drive helps food bank

Clearwater Secondary School students raise money to help the needy through penny drive

Barriere awarded $6.7 million for new wastewater system

The new wastewater system will connect the oldest neighbourhoods in the downtown core, replacing septic fields

Some teachers make the grade in Kamloops

Some children have received grade-less report cards, others have been sent home with progress reports that appear to be complete

Police find Little Fort grow-op

Three face charges following search of residence in Little Fort on Dec. 7
Times annual Christmas story winners announced

Times annual Christmas story winners announced

A total of 98 local youngsters entered the Times’ Christmas story contest this year. This is up from 83 entries last year
Lichen auctions end

Lichen auctions end

Two auctions for naming rights to new species of lichen raise $21,900 for environmental causes
Labranche wins Christmas story contest division

Labranche wins Christmas story contest division

The story of Buster, a puppy that got lost but was found and adopted by Santa

RCMP Report: 'Tis the season

Clearwater Detachment reminds people to keep an eye out and protect themselves. With today's online shopping market

Committee to investigate need for manager

Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce has taken a step towards hiring a manager to help take care of its business