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Dog discovered near Kelowna with gunshot wounds expected to make full recovery

Rose and her brother were found abandoned on a property in Beaverdell

The B.C. SPCA is asking for help after a sweet dog came to them with multiple gunshot wounds from a property in Beaverdell.

“Rose was abandoned on a property along with her brother for over a week when their owner was evicted,” says Sean Hogan, manager of the Kelowna SPCA. “The landlord discovered them but waited to see if the owner would come back, but unfortunately, he never did.”

Hogan said a storm frightened the dogs and they ran off. When the pair returned the male had minor injuries while Rose was in serious condition.

Rose was immediately taken to an emergency vet hospital where staff discovered buckshot scattered in her wounds.

The dog has undergone various surgeries to her face and neck and may require more.

Rose is currently in care with pain medication, antibiotics, and daily check-ins from veterinarians.

“Rose is a sweet, shy girl,” says Hogan. “Although she is very scared, nervous, and in shock, she is still being as loving and affectionate as she can be. Everyone at the hospital has fallen in love with her, and cannot believe that after being shot, she is able to trust them to help and take care of her.”

The SPCA is requesting donations to help cover the cost of Rose’s care.

Hogan says they are hopeful Rose will make a full recovery and eventually be put up for adoption.

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Brittany Webster

About the Author: Brittany Webster

I am a video journalist based in Kelowna and capturing life in the Okanagan
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