If your trip through the North Thompson Valley was to begin in Blue River the end of the line would be the community of Kamloops. Known as the “Tournament Capital of Canada” the community is very proud of its volunteer base, hosting National and International events year-round. Not only committed to sports, Kamloops brags the hottest summer temperatures in Canada with the most sunny days in the year. For a different twist on a family vacation try renting a houseboat on Shuswap Lake. Riverside Park downtown hosts Music In The Park every day in July and August; a free concert is open to the public. Two River Junction offers a Dinner Theatre and Musical Review highlighting the antics of Billy Miner. Families can enjoy a train ride on a beautifully restored steam locomotive and the annual Kamloops Pow Wow celebrates the heritage of the First Nation’s people. A casino, nine golf courses to choose from and wide range of outdoor activities for every sport enthusiast hold something for everyone. Not to be missed the non-profit BC Wildlife Park, 50 hectares offering education and interaction with BC’s wildlife is open every day except Christmas. With five destination resorts, museums and art galleries, specialty shops, theaters, parks, endless miles of walking and hiking trails, rivers, lakes and mountains there is no shortage of activities to occupy travelers. For more information call Tourism Kamloops at 1-800-662-1994 or visit www.adventurekamloops.com.
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