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Council tackling all invasive species

Provincial body changes its name to Invasive Species Council of British Columbia as it expands its role from just invasive plants

Invasive species pose a significant threat to British Columbia’s fragile ecosystems, natural resource industries, and communities. To combat these ‘unwanted’ invaders, the Invasive Plant Council of British Columbia will transition to include all invasive species, and is now formally launching as the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia (ISCBC).

“It is with great pleasure that we announce the expansion to the Invasive Species Council. Often the changes that are needed to reduce the spread of invasive species are the same as with invasive plants. Actions such as cleaning your boat or watching what you place in your water garden will reduce the spread of invasive species. This expanded approach will be the foundation of our work in aiming to get people to work together across boundaries to reduce their spread. It is truly amazing to see how much can be accomplished when people chose to work together,” said ISCBC chair Kristy Palmantier.

– Invasive Species Council of British Columbia