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Editor, The Times:

By working together we can achieve our goals
Carol Schaffer

Editor, The Times:

My name is Carol Schaffer and I’m seeking re-election as TNRD Director Area A. I worked for 33 years with Court Services in Clearwater, as Court Administrator and Justice of the Peace and I have volunteered with numerous clubs and boards.

In the past four years some of our accomplishments include: Vavenby Water system upgrades, Vavenby/ Blackpool fire department upgrades, North Thompson Sportsplex biomass heating, septic receiving station, parks in Vavenby, Birch Island, and Ferry Road, also contributing to Wells Gray Outdoor Club for trails.

These projects were partly funded by Federal Gas Tax monies totaling more than $364,000.

Upper Clearwater Initial Attack Society and I have worked to acquire a pumper truck and we are working towards funding through the government to enhance the fire brigade.

Additionally, $40,000 in Discretionary Funds has been contributed to various non-profit or societies for specific projects or events that provide a broad spectrum of benefits to Area A.

We have held annual community meetings in the five communities within area A and will continue to do so. These meetings are beneficial to us as they provide the information to go forward.

Our future commitments include upgrading fire halls, fire department apparatus, and parks, etc.

I believe my experience and character are a strong combination that would blend well to bring successful continued results.

I am prepared to give my full attention to all current and future issues brought forth by the residents of Area A. It is also my intention to make effective and responsible decisions, by being open minded and open to suggestions.

I believe in equal and fair representation and that every voice has a right to be heard. I am asking for your support on Oct. 20. By working together we can achieve our goals.