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Belgian chocolatier holds tasteful workshop

Belgian chocolatier holds tasteful workshop

A friendship formed several years ago recently brought Phillipe Vancayseele, one of the world’s top chocolate makers, to Clearwater

Having great fun with great-nieces

Our first outing was up to Wells Gray Park

Terry Fox Foundation report shows financial boom

The 30th anniversary of the Terry Fox Run proved to be a financial boon for the foundation named for the Port Coquitlam hero
Rangers camp out in Clearwater

Rangers camp out in Clearwater

Young people from rural communities enjoy Clearwater's outdoor lifestyle

Quinoa - The mother of all grains

Quinoa (pronounced 'keen-wa') is an ancient grain that is native to the Andes region of South America.

B.C. invests in province’s 4-H farm kids

The province knows them as the future of agriculture, and that’s why it’s investing $85,000 in the B.C. 4-H program
Master chocolatier offers once-in-a-lifetime classes at CRC

Master chocolatier offers once-in-a-lifetime classes at CRC

Do you love chocolate? The Community Resource Centre (CRC) in Clearwater is thrilled to present two chocolate making classes with world-renowned Belgian chocolatier Philippe Vancayseele.
Raffle winner enjoys Clearwater Lake tour

Raffle winner enjoys Clearwater Lake tour

An all day tour for two to Rainbow Falls on Azure Lake donated by Clearwater Lake Tours was part of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce raffle that I won last fall

Trekking Tales: Driving over Vavenby Mountain

On the sunny Saturday afternoon of the August long weekend, weeding was neglected in favour of extending our explorations of backcountry roads

Healthy Families B.C. promotes walk contest

Healthy Families BC is challenging British Columbians to "Walk to Win" in a new six-week contest to encourage walking, mapping and sharing favourite walking routes