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Think on These Things: Experience the joy of sins forgiven

No one said a word to me, but on my own I made it clear to my Mom, "I need to receive Jesus as my Saviour."

Eric Bidell

As a very young boy, I have vivid memories of my parents sharing interesting Bible stories. They helped me understand the importance of Jesus coming to earth making a way for each of us to receive forgiveness for our sins. I understood the crucial decision everyone needs to make. In my childhood there was never pressure to "listen up or else".

When I was seven, an elderly Norwegian lady came to visit our home, staying for a few days. She had such a vibrant relationship with Jesus that it was liking He walked with her everywhere she went. No one said a word to me, but on my own I made it clear to my Mom, "I need to receive Jesus as my Saviour."

I knelt at a kitchen chair with this visiting lady and with my parents praying with me. At that moment, I became a new creation in Christ. When I stood up I felt so light and free on the inside ... the weight of my sin was gone. Yes, a seven year old is capable of experiencing the joy of sins forgiven.

At thirteen I was so excited to be baptized in water as Jesus has commanded every believer to do. He blessed me with the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Helper who enables me to be an overcomer in the challenges of life.

Am I perfect? No — but I am completely forgiven! Life on earth is brief. My faith in the Lord is a sure anchor and a bright hope for life after this life. I have experienced the precious promises of Scripture to be trustworthy. I have received countless answers to prayer where God has demonstrated that the Bible is true. Beyond having peace and joy in my heart and a true purpose for living, the Bible instructs me to first and foremost to, 'love the Lord my God' and 'to love my neighbour as myself'." God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9.