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Reach out and Jesus will listen to you

When the inevitable troubles or struggles or heartaches come, bring them to God

This past week the questions, “Why?” or “Why did this happen?” or  “I just don’t understand” were going through my mind, and the minds of some of my friends, and our church family. Last week a dear friend of mine had a work related accident where he died from his injuries - he was only 69. This week a lady from our church family lost a daughter who had a heart attack and passed away on the operating table - she was only 49.

We know that every one of us will eventually face death. Yet when death takes someone we love, it is never easy. It hurts!

I have talked to others who are facing other difficulties in their lives, difficulties due to the economy, where they are really having struggles making ends meet. In some cases having to reach out for help to food banks or social assistance, which in many ways is humiliating for them.

Of course I could give many more examples of troubles and difficulties people face but this is not what I want to focus on. I want to focus on a couple of verses from a Psalm.

In Ps 91:14-15 the Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.” (NLT)

When we go through troubles, difficulties, sicknesses, disease, suffering, death, etc. we need somewhere to reach out to find help. Yes it is good to have good friends besides us through these times. Thing is, often we forget God, who wants to be there with us to help us through. In fact some even blame God and blame Him for bringing these troubles upon them. Or they say, if God truly is God, He would  not of allowed this to happen. In the above verses we read that God will be with us in trouble. He does not promise to protect us from troubles.

When we love, trust and obey God, we have Him with us, whenever troubles come. He is right there beside us.

In the familiar verses of Psalm 23 we read: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

Even in those times where we walk through cold, dark, frightening and lonely valleys, God promises that He will be with us. He promises to go with us, to give us the strength to go through it, and to give us His peace and His comfort.

Another thing that is important to note is that God usually does not give us the answers. He does not explain the “why’s.” He tells us to follow Him and to continue to trust Him.

So when the inevitable troubles or struggles or heartaches come, bring them to God. Don’t carry these alone. In the words of an old hymn by Edmund S. Lorenz:

“Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?

Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.

Are you grieving over joys departed? Tell it to Jesus alone.

Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, He is a Friend that’s well known.

You’ve no other such a friend or brother,

Tell it to Jesus alone.”

Good advice!

– contributed by Dan Daase, Clearwater New Life Assembly