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Good time for reflection Prayer of the faithful

My good people: It is that time of year when all seem to be undergoing the so called ‘winter blues.’

My good people: It is that time of year when all seem to be undergoing the so called ‘winter blues.’

In many ways it is to be expected after the high of the Christmas and New Year’s festivities. However, this time of year is a good time for reflection on a number of things. The following are just some thoughts for you to think about as you are sitting beside that warm stove enjoying that cup of java or better still, Baileys.

Think about married couples and their needs, or of the single parent.

Think of all our single adults searching for fulfillment, of the elderly looking for strength and peace.

Think about the workers searching for dignity at what they do, a just living wage and the unemployed looking for gainful work.

There is plenty in all the above to keep a person going for a full winter. My wish for you and your loved ones is: May the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of Mary be with you to defend you within you to sustain you, before you to lead you, behind you to protect you and above you to bless you all the days of your life.

Happy 2011.