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My official password YSYZ6PGDUF4P8H.gone

To the Editor,

To the Editor,

Me and technology have a love-hate relationship, from magical machine to an annoying piece of (insert choice word here). Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. When I think will work, it doesn’t, and when I think it won’t, it does. So any allusion that I’m in control is found to have me thinking I’ve got the intelligence of a lump of coal.

You’d think that this relentless assault on my ego would be taking a beating, but no! I just don’t care, ‘cause I can always cut its power. So I’m gaining ground, despite my technical challenges, and I refuse to source. In fact, confidence swells hour by hour. At this rate, I’ll be computer-literate by 95.

I hope I live that long and can still see the computer screen and have enough marbles left to make a scene.

In addition, when I die, wherever I end up (or down), there will be a computer geek to whom I can pass on an obsene password. XX@X@!

Wes Morden,

Blackpool, B.C.

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