Jim Lamberton - The Rambling Man
Like many British Columbians, I received my Hydro bill last week. The energy charges called Step 1 and Step 2 have to stop. This formula was implemented in 2008 and Step 2, with a higher rate, was supposed to encourage customers to conserve energy. No it’s not, it’s just a gouge.
Hydro has been promoting heat pumps to conserve energy. We have a heat pump and because of the milder winter, we have used it more than wood or propane. As a result, our Step 2 usage was more than double the KWHs of Step 1. Consequently, our latest Hydro bill is astronomical.
Hydro is an essential service. In my opinion, having two rates is not only unconstitutional, but probably illegal. I would like to see a class action lawsuit filed against BC Hydro and if they were found guilty, then all customers should be reimbursed for the additional charges levied because of Step 2.
Jim Lamberton