I am an 84-year-old senior forced to deal with the huge gap between my world of handwriting, face-to-face communication, snail mail, telephone and internet, cell phone, artificial intelligence plus emails. Yes, I can navigate, with help, this huge change.
It seems, in this day and age, we are more intimate with our hand-held computers than with our families, friends and neighbours. Some seniors seem to be able to navigate very successfully but I, unfortunately, am not one of them. I fear, that in this world of electronic communication we are becoming less human and more pixelated. We are less accountable, more isolated and into this void creeps hatred, racism, misinformation and outright lies. Can we rediscover each other as humans by adapting this electronic world to our human needs? I for one, think that we can, but it will take effort and cooperation by us and our leaders. Come on people now lean on each other and love who we are, with all our differences.
Wes Morden, Clearwater, B.C.