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Letter to Barriere Legion #242 members

A letter from the Royal Canadian Legion president branch #242 regarding presentation of pins for years of continuous service.

Dear Barriere Legion #242 members: 

Due to the postal strike we are unable to mail out letters to each of you and wanted to be sure you are aware of this important event concerning presentation of pins for years of continuous service with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #242.

The Barriere Legion Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 242 is proud to present your pin for years of continuous service and membership with the Ladies Auxiliary and/or the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 242.

Presentation is to take place during the annual Honours and Awards dinner on January 18, 2025 in the Legion Banquet Hall. Cocktails will be served at 5:00 p.m. with dinner to follow at 6:00 p.m. and presentations at 7:00 p.m. The cost for the dinner is $25 per person with no charge for our veterans.

We would be honoured to have you attend, please notify the branch at: 250-672-5913, MaryAnn Shewchuk at: 250-320-6872 or Pam Casselmen at: 250-320-0687 by January 10.

Yours Sincerely,

MaryAnn Shewchuk

Branch President 242