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Vavenby News: Seniors tour sheep ranch

The weather did not cooperate on Apr. 16 when the Wells Gray Country Seniors came to tour the Aveley sheep ranch
Members of Wells Gray Country Seniors Society get ready to go on a hayride during a tour of Aveley sheep ranch last Monday.

The weather did not cooperate on Apr. 16 when the Wells Gray Country Seniors came to tour the Aveley sheep ranch. Six hardy seniors, their organizer Cheryl Thomas, and three grandchildren arrived on the community bus. The weather was very cold with some showers.

The tour started at the orphan pen where everyone could cuddle the lambs. Then they walked through the lambing pens. The seniors went over to the museum next to warm up, drink the free coffee and eat Girl Guide cookies, and watch Fay Lutz of Avola spin wool. After that they all went on the hayride. Everyone enjoyed their day, in spite of the weather.

Eight Challengers and three leaders arrived the next day for a tour. It was still chilly but the sun did shine. The Challengers went to all of the same stations as the seniors did and kept the hayride for last as well. Because of the slightly better weather some the Challengers sipped their coffee around the lit chiminea.


The ranch will be closed to the public as of April 25.