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Vavenby news: bear sightings and back to school



We had such a wet spring, which continued into summer, and people were constantly complaining about the rain, wondering if summer would ever arrive.

Now that the sunshine is finally here, a lot of people are complaining about the soaring temperatures. Ranchers must be happier, though, because they can harvest their hay instead of just getting silage.

A small black bear has been seen in town. It even went to church and left its scat at the door.

While this bear is around, people must be cautious. All garbage should be in bear-proof containers and children and small animals must be guarded.

Shortly before the sheep came back from Allinghams to Aveley Ranch, the bear wandered out of the bush and started walking towards a lamb. Valerie Gerber had just arrived to check on the sheep. She whistled and made loud noises to frighten the bear off, but it did not seem alarmed by her presence and just kept walking.

Gerber reached into her vehicle for her gun. The sheepdogs, however, alerted by the noise, started running at the bear, so she had to shoot above their heads.

The next day a ewe was killed. Gerber, who is a certified skinner, could tell that it had been a bear kill.

Another Vavenby resident, a young high school student, also came upon the bear while out walking. It gave him quite a fright.

The conservation officer has been in town because more bears have been seen, possibly up to six.

People are feeding them which keeps them around and is very dangerous. It is also not fair to the bears.

The officer has already put out a bear trap.

School may be reopening in September for all students. Certain rules will need to be followed, as when the students went back in June.

Vavenby Elementary has a very strong Parents Advisory Committee (PAC).

Ever since the school board turned the school from an elementary one (Kindergarten to Grade 7) into a primary (Kindergarten to Grade 3) school, the PAC has worked hard at adding a grade per year. This year, the school is adding two gades, so Vavenby Elementary will be Kindergarten to Grade 7 again. Congratulations, parents!