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Snake in the kitchen

By K.A. Pendergast

By K.A. Pendergast

The other day I was having a chat with a friend in her kitchen and she had a story to pass on to me about having a snake one day show up on that same kitchen floor.

Now, I gotta say I hope that never happens to me personally. I cannot imagine just how I would react!

She did not panic and took it outside like you should. I am not one of those people who is petrified of them or anything; however, I am not a lover of them either. It got me to thinking … how would you react?

Would you scream? Would you calmly pick it up? Would you try to hurt it? Would you put on gloves and heavy boots and a big coat…and then drop something over it to hopefully make it not move, temporarily until you got help?

Would you just grab it and take it outside? Would you put it in a big box with a lid first and transport it far away before you opened it? Would you get it a pet container and feed it and call it maybe Herman?

We all like to believe generally that we are kind to other creatures on our planet. Most of the time. Does that include things like mosquitoes, or perhaps flies? Or spiders and snakes?

I suppose we each have inside of us our own thoughts on the subject … just how far we take that kindness if it gets in the way of our daily lives. Do we let that part of us go by the wayside if it is scary or icky? Do we embrace it? How great is our own capacity for all things in that instance?

Just what might your reaction be to some of those invasions of your space? You may want to just get rid of whatever it is because it is, after all, your personal individual area.

How far do you go to protect it? Just what do you class as an invasion of it? Hmmmm a thought to ponder….