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Trump is history's revenge

“If we go on as we are, then history will take its revenge, and retribution will not limp in catching up with us"

Editor, The Times:

“If we go on as we are, then history will take its revenge, and retribution will not limp in catching up with us.” – the late great Edward R. Murrow.

Murrow went on about how we were being completely distracted and amused. Entertainment was more important than the facts.

On Nov. 8 history has had its revenge in spades! Donald Trump has been elected president of the U.S. of A. Trump may not the first megalomaniac to be elected president but he is the loudest. No one can claim they didn't know what Trump stands for or believes in.

Rolling Stone was the first and almost the only publication to say take Donald Trump seriously. Everyone else was hee-hee-hooing about the idea that some loud-mouth multi-millionaire 'you're fired' character ever thinking of running for president of the most powerful nation on the globe. Rolling Stone pointed out that Trump had tapped into the basic fears and frustrations of America's citizens. Just how! We have learned tonight.

As much as I hate to admit it I agree with Trump on NAFTA and, as Gwynne Dyer pointed out, Hilary Clinton's idea of trying to impose a no-fly zone in Syria with the Russians involved was ridiculous! After all, to quote Dyer, a stopped clock is right twice in 24 hours.

I'm listening to some soft soap nonsense about the U.S. will endure etc.

Well, so did Germany after the election of Adolph Hitler. After all it's the most powerful nation in Europe today.

But were the deaths of million, the devastation of Europe, the Berlin Wall, necessary in the meantime?

Dennis Peacock

Clearwater, B.C.