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The hat on the wall

There is a cowboy hat on our bedroom wall. It’s really a symbol of another time
A hat on the wall brings back memories of when she and her husband were younger – much younger. Photo by K.A. Pendergast

By K.A. Pendergast

There is a cowboy hat on our bedroom wall. It’s really a symbol of another time.

Back in the earlier days of our life together my husband would occasionally give in to a whim and purchase some type of thing that symbolized an individual event or series of them.

This particular time, it happened that my husband and both of his younger brothers and their inner group of friends each acquired one since they were the newest trend. They were all a nice soft, wide brimmed hat in a few different colours and a variety of bands.

They were each at least $50 apiece. A steep price for a hat in those days. Heck that is still a steep price! I don’t think that I have one that cost that much now!

I remember how well the guys generally all got along together. However, the hat brings to mind an evening that this wasn’t exactly the case.

We were all hanging out at his parent’s place with a few drinks and snacks available. They were out for the evening.

I don’t remember what started it but, boys (young men) will be boys. My hubby’s brothers started throwing punches. It escalated quickly and they were wrestling (tossing and rolling) around the rooms and continuing down the hall. Some broken glass shower doors were a casualty.

Pretty much everyone was involved to some degree. My hubby was keeping watch to step in if necessary.

Being the thrifty person I was/still am I collected up all of the costly hats lol (laugh out loud). I didn’t want them bent or bloody haha. A very real possibility.

My hubby kept me out of the line of fire also. The fight culminated in the porch with one brother tossing the other onto the boot rack.

A lousy landing resulted in a broken arm for one and stitches for the other. They immediately hollered out for my hubby to help them. We sent the friends all home and spent a few hours in emergency discussing the pros and cons of fighting in their parent’s house.

I think it actually brought them closer together. That, in particular is the biggest part of that crazy evening that I prefer to remember the most! That, as well as those boys all pitching in to clean the place all up and replacing those shower doors also!

We have fairly recently covered both our coffee table and kitchen table with photos and covered them with glass. I have had a number of people remark on them. We love browsing through them during our day to day activities.

Just like that hat, the photos bring to mind interesting memories and smiles that continue to brighten our lives each and every day. There is something to be said for art on the walls with decorating accents.

For me and my husband of many years there is something much stronger to be said for using symbols such as a cowboy hat, for instance, that capture and hold memories to keep close to you, to accent and decorate your home with love.

So, maybe think twice when you toss out those things you have had for years and ask yourself why they are still around. Maybe at least one will bring a bright smile to your face!