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Tales From The Bear: Baby S@#t

My dad was a farrier and horse trainer with race horses

The day began with an ache in my knee again … for whatever reason … and I needed to treat it.

I headed into the bathroom to check in the medicine area of my cupboards to find something that would work.

I first saw the easy stuff such as pain pills and cool rub. I then picked up a bottle of natural stuff with arnica that I got at the store.

I opened it for a whiff of the smell and it took me back to days when I was a kid.

My dad was a farrier and horse trainer with race horses. He had a mixture, as do most good ones, that would magically cure most anything!

He called it Baby S@#t.

It had that name because that is how it looked. It had the color and consistency of that stuff all new babies love to fill their diapers with.

I thought at the time that it was possibly the worst stuff that was ever made because of the smell! It smelled like h.e. double toothpicks! Seriously!

But, it worked! Extremely well!

In those days if a race horse was lame they just shot it unless it could go to breed. My dad had a very very low record of horses that he couldn’t help.

The smell of this lotion in my cupboard came really close to it so I knew it must work. I had been having a kind of running ache for quite awhile and decided to try it.

Luckily I did not have to work at all that day so I could put up with the stink!

It did help! I however needed something to help me if I had troubles at work. Of course, that couldn’t be used.

I couldn’t call my brother (who inherited the recipe for the baby s@#t) because of its smell either. It was a dilemma.

I turned to a friend who helped me out. She had a wondrous pain mixture made from essential oils. It did the trick and I have had very few problems since.

Sooooo the point of this story is to not just take the easy way out with pain or sickness. Try out some natural methods.

There are huge numbers of natural herbs and lotions that are not made with any chemicals. Try some out!

They have been around a lot longer and cured many more ailments.

Most of them are mixed with natural scents as well to help the stench haha. Sorry, I cannot share the baby s@#t recipe with you as my brother is waiting for a patent on it!